here is the picture~
her mom n dad really want a girl in their family,
after 7brothers, at last.. dis is d girl~
her brothers sgt lasak, veryyyyy verrryyyy lasak~
1 bro: pulls her ear
1 bro: kiss her until tinggal lebam at her cheek
1 bro: keep jumping on her bed
1 bro: crying, nk amek perhatian ibunya..
n so on..
1 bro: kiss her until tinggal lebam at her cheek
1 bro: keep jumping on her bed
1 bro: crying, nk amek perhatian ibunya..
n so on..
very energetic~
but d little.. keep quite n continue to sleep~
ignore her brothers~
her mom xkan tdow until her sons sleep,
d boys is 2 energetic
well..budak2.. xreti pikir lagi..
hua hua hua
other topic:

my sis in blue shirt, iqa, tuntut janji kalo dia score in her stdy, i will take her tgk wayang.
& yes, she score..
dia tuntut.. aaaaa tension2
so.. at last, i bring her 2 d cinema,
tgk cerita:

bleh la cter ni.. fun gak...
so.. after tgk movie..
g pusing2 jalan2 dalam jusco kinta city ipoh,
then blk,
odw blk.. my litle bro call~
kakak! cpt blk! achik dtg!
1family dia dtg!!
d end
(amende la yg di ngarot kn ni..)
BOLT! hehe...
tgk la bolt!!
(promote bolt)
uuu ingatkan xle bawak kereta -__-"
da terbokti sy leh bwk kete!!
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