its 4.46am in d morning..
but i couldnt sleep..
guling2 kiri~
guling2 knan~
still could not sleep~
well.. i suppose today is a tiring day~
- 8am = wake up princess
- 8.50am = running downstairs 2 dear turbo, start the turbo, but of coz~ old car, need tricks n i havent learn d trick to start d car easily >_<
- 8.59am = arrive 2 class
- 9am-11am = class
- 11am-12pm = fill up my stomach. nyam2
- 12pm-2pm = service my customer lptop
- 2pm-3pm = check my FYP circuit wif nana
- 3pm-6.45pm = in da lab, doing PCB - itching, laminating, photostet, playing wif acid, thinnner, drill holes- at d same tyme, rushing to FKE's office, Dr.herlina's room, back to PCB Lab.
- 7.30pm = bath
- 8.00pm-2.00am = had a talk in JB~
- 2.00am-4.00am = ym wif some frenz
- 4.00am-now = trying to sleep, but nope, my eyes wont sleep..
that's y, dont take caffein at night, this is wat happen at d end +__+
at 10.30am, 5 hours from now, had 2 go to Kulai, then~
maybe in d evning, will go back to PCB lab n repair my circuit,
at night, had to go to JB again~
back in my room of kos i think mayb late in d morning~
ops, 4got, hv to repair my customer's laptop
& olso go to cytron 2 buy some components~
& olso go to cytron 2 buy some components~
** at last i asleep at 6.30am in d morning an wake up at 10.30am
** at last i asleep at 6.30am in d morning an wake up at 10.30am
- 11am = drive to kulai,
- 11am-1pm = sesat di kulai terlajak dlm 31km, hahhaaha lawak btol >__<
- 2pm = at d kilang, to get oil
- 3pm - 4pm = pizza, eating~ very hungry
- 4pm - 4.30pm = masjid tmn u
- 5pm = cytron, buying some connector, Base PCB, bla bla bla
- 5.30pm = rushing to PCB lab, drill the circuit.
- 6.30pm = back fromm PCB lab
- 7.30pm = clean up my self
- 8pm = bersiap nk g JB again
- 9pm = rupenye br bertolak g JB.
- 9pm - 4am = JB
- 5.00am = sleep~
huuuu~ saba la ye... ;p
lek ar beb..
cheer up~~
hurm...tapi kan. thats ur choice.
ko yg nak g kulai.
so...merungut pn xdak guna rite~~
cheer pun.
asyik moody ja. bosan.
ku akn moody bler xckop tdow
cmne nk kurgkn tdow ek?
xkesah pown g kulai
tp mende len yg kter kisahkn sbnrnye..
thnks ara shima!!
**hugs hugs**
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