antara isinya:
tarikh: 30 apri 2009. (pdahal br dpt td, 4 mei)kesalahan: blk lewat.adlh dimaklumkn saudara (wat? xkn xtau yg penghuni kolej ni sumer perempuan?? xreti tulis saudari??) tlah didapati mlakukan ksalahan sperti di atas dan surat saman yg ptama dan kdua telahpun dikuarkn. ( hell yeah, bler plak dpt surat ptama n kdua??? x ke bongok kalo da dpt surat ptama, kdua, keep on bwat slah smpai dpt surat amaran trakhir????) sila bjmpe pngetua & tepon beliau di XXXXXXXsila jelaskn denda bkenaan di pjbt or pjbt akn tros msokkn ke dlm akaun saudara sebagai pelajar berhutang ke bendahari. pembayaran selewatnye 8 MEI 2009. (watt??? denda pe??? 8MEI?? wat??dpt pown lewat, ape denda?? )
mmg hangin.. tatabahasa malaysia pown salah, eee.. ape ni??
kn da xdpt stdy.. da la sok exam. mmg siot. try stdy, mmg xmsok otak langsung..
soo.. doing some quizz kat facebook... awww.. br la dpt tenang skek.. :)
- elya just took the "What kind of Parent are you?" quiz and the result is Balanced Parent.
You have a great balance between rules and fun! Your kids think you are the best!!
- elya just took the "Which Greek Goddess Are You?" quiz and the result isArtemis.
You are Artemis! The Greek Goddess of the moon and the hunt. Many people don't understand your personality, but you don't care. You're a rebel and you usually fall on the outskirts of society. You're unique and you embrace every aspect of that. Some say you're a wild child, and like Artemis, you know you are!
- elya just took the "Full personality analysis" quiz and the result is Unique.
Unique! That's what you are,you stand under no description .You build your life your way.You are loved and hated but you don't care.You do it because you want to.You are free and happy!
- elya just took the "are you darkness or light?" quiz and the result is Light.
you are shining with light! you are a very happy person and people like being around you.
- elya just took the "I.Q. Test" quiz and the result is You are the next Albert Einstein.
- elya just took the "Which element are you?" quiz and the result is Air.
Your element is Air. You don't care much for rules or schedules and enjoy the freedom to live life your own way.
- elya just took the "What is your personality type??" quiz and the result isSanguine.
You are the life of the party! You are the happy sort of person who most everyone likes. You enjoy life and look to have fun in everything. You typically are attracted to Melancholies of the opposite sex.
pulun wat kuiz byk2...
tu la
berpoya2 hingga larut malam lgi..
kan dah..
sila la laporkan kepada pejabat bahawasanya anda tak pernah mendapat surat amaran yang pertama dan kedua
tau xpe, mmg xdpt surat amaran satu n dua pown..
xpoye2 smpai lewat mlm laaaa
sy dak baek..
suka2 wat quiz ja..
hohoho. kuiz kn byk memuji~
hanya memuji..huhu~
aku rase salah anta kot surat tu? then dorg x cek...
aku dlu pnah kne surat sbb konon2 x byr bil kolej..trus aku g opis n sound (terangkan) kt pakcik tu...huhu..
tu la, da kol pengetua, xangkat,
pastu g pjabat,
org pjabat kate dia g pahang..
mmg siot..
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