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tiAp sAaT waKtU berDeTiK..
aTi iNi kiAn teRtanYa sEndiRiAn.. kE ManA deStiNasi kU..
hANyA ALLaH yG MaHa MenGEtAhui SegALaNya..

Saturday, May 7, 2011

counting days

hmm, ikutkan, da ada xsampai 48 jam utk get back to Johor,
sigh, bila pikir kan balik, y do i have to go to Johor,
there is no one there,
semua ada darah daging  dorg
sumer ada laki bini dorg
whenever things goes wrong, im in blank.

pernah 1 masa, while driving to my work place,
tayar pecah..
there alone, i cry and crying,
i called my friend, oh ye, dia da kawen la kan
dint answer at all.. maybe dok dating ngan laki dia kot.
i called other people.
no one answered it~
then, last, i called my housemate..
called and called and called..
at last, she answered, i told her what happened.
she said that she will come ASAP
there i waited and waited with tears in my eyes..
Hell yeah, what m i doing in this stupid life?
of course there is no one will help u, there hv their own life~

pendeknye, my housemate come and tolong tukar kn tayar..

seriusly, that momment mmg da bg a big impact in my life..
other people akn jaga bontot dorg sndri, and senang sama senang, susah, go to hell la

well, kerja tetap kerja, tapi day by days maken bored
walhal, biler orang keep asking me to tukar kerja or tukar department,
all i can say is:
i really love my department
i really love my job
i really love people in my department

tapi.. (nape ada tapi?)

1 comment:

ayen =D said...

u also have ur own life ;)


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