minggu lepas was a very interesting week n minggu yg buat sy xpijak kat bumi nyata~
heppy sgt2~
ala2 jalan melayang2 la~ hehe
nape? sbb masa tu, i have someone (not one la, several peoples) yg be there for me whenever my life up side down~
n dat week also was d last week for me to spend time wif my precious friends..
coz on 19 Nov 2011 sy da hilang sorang rakan yg byk sgt tlg sy selama neh~
with a gorgeous person, Juwita Md Juhani, Congrats dear |
dia dah kawen sabtu baru neh..
yg terkilan nye,, i couldnt be there utk tlg pape yg patot..
spatotnye, ikutkan, on jumaat da terjah rumah dia, tlg2 nyemak, tlg hu ha hu ha..
tp stuck lak ngan event office.. =(
nape cakap kehilangan? sbb whenever a person get married, hidup dia akan terikat, so of course i cannot simply ajak dia buat pape unless dia dpt permission from her hubby, and plus... not suitable la knnn, buat mende2 org bujang buat.. hehe
so.. event pe on 18 Nov 2011?
jom tgk gmbo2 neh:::
like i said before, agak emo lak kalo bab2 perpisahan~ even though mende kecik ja pun..
1 more thing yg make me quite sad is.. minggu ni sorg lg my fwenz akn kawen..
n exactly after my wiwit married, this frend tros mhilangkan diri..
doesnt reply my msg, doesnt answer my call~
sblom neh okay jek,
thanks pada dia.. sbb non stop nasihatkan sy.. give me kata2 semangat..
byk sgt kaco waktu dia.. smpai keje pun terabai~ haha
n still, i asking dia, nape xmarah2?
at dat time.. i know, i should stop buat perangai n should hargai this person~ sbb sabar giler
taapi.. agaknye da tlmbt kot
well.. ditmbah dgn factor len~ ntah la, sy pun xphm sbnrnye wat happen~
huhu.. pokok nye, as long as dia dgn yg sorg tuh da berbaik, tu da memadai..
even though up until now, still tertanya2 wat happen, pe update nye..
yela kan~ doesnt reply my msg, doesnt answer my call~
oh yes, ari ni, dia nikah~
congrats congrats
so, me? here i am~
started to write in blog again~
sigh... =(
1. my frenz, amira da nk berenti keje
2. wiwit da kawen
3. another friend pun kawen
4. terpaksa pindah umah sewa baru - bpisah dgn housemate lama =(
5. have to refinance my money..
6. ada a few things lg, tp xingt..
do fairy tales come true?
i miss all of u...

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