hurm.. life, so great.. hehe
but sadly, im still like a boat, kejap ke sana kejap ke sini..
of course, not to forget, sikap pelupa ku ini,,
aii.. notes da buat, siap tmpal depan pc, ape lg ek,,
still bleh lupa?
OMG, ya Allah.. bantu lah aku, sok ada meeting ngn Guru Besar SK..
harap2 la leh bcakap..
p/S: smpai bler nk harapkan pada opismate kn?
ELYA!! plz learn faster laaaaa
"smpi bile nk hrp opismate?" hehe...y, ur opis mate ok x?
cos me, well...i hv one opis mate yg...well, kalo xdisurh, xwat...sorta like annoys me cos we're supposed to work together2 in the same dept u c..hehe~
haha, ara, masalah nyer, im d one yg asek org nk kene suruh, baru nak wat..
asek lupe,, mencik2
my opis mate okay sgT~
tp tu la, i yg buat byk hal la plak..
araaaa, tolonnn
huhu..owh, rupe2nye u la orgnye tu erh...meh nk babab sket...hihi..
cmni, some tips...utk elak lupe, i salu ade log book / diary..utk harian nye keje..bos xsuh wat cmni tp i wat sbb bnda ni menyenangkan me, it IS senang when u have a log book/daily diary at work..
evryday juz jot down what u hv to do,what is ongoing n what is pending..catit je...jgn catit to-do tasks merate2 tmpt, kang 1 keje nk crk catitan2 tu sume..(ade terselit lam beg la, bwh laptop la pe la)
huhu...may i say smtg? bos LAAAGGGIII tamau tgk pekerja die jns yg kne suruh bru wat tau..mmg kne tnjuk rajen, i pon kalo da pnat sgt mmg maleh nk wat keje..hehe..pepandai la yerk...jgn kantoi ngn bos je..hehe~
gud luck! ;)
huwaaaa... penat nye nk tinggalkan habit xmencatat.. kalao mencatat pun btahan 3 hari.. mencik2, elya!!!
thannks dear coz nasihat caye.. T___T sedey.. kelam kabut wa punye keje.. (habit wat keje last minutes + suke idop kelam kabut + xsuke mencatat)
plz2 berubah..
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